Celebrating his Scottish ancestry and jumping for joy with Stephen Boyd

Stephen Boyd photographed by Eyoalha Baker for Jump for Joy Photo project and Palm Springs Cultural Center Artist Residency

I was so happy to hear that Stephen wanted to come out and share some jumping joy, wearing his kilt! Stephen and his husband Michael have generously invited me to stay in their beautiful rental home (which ajoins to his home office) while I am doing my artist Residency with the Palm Springs Cultural Center.

I appreciate how much personal thought and care he put into wearing his kilt while jumping. I love it when participants fully express who they are and what is important to them. I know his Scottish ancestry is very important to Stephen and hope I was able to capture the pride and freedom he expressed in his jump photo.

Get to know Stephen a little:
Q: What inspires you to jump for joy?
It was a great opportunity to put everyday life on hold for just a little while and let myself experience uninhibited joy, happiness and freedom. Being joyful feels good, and I believe it spreads to those around us.

Q: How was your experience doing the jumping photos?
I was very much looking forward to jumping for joy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and doing it in my kilts created a special moment of joy while also expressing my pride in my Scottish ancestry.

Q: How do you describe the feeling of joy?
For me, joy is the sense that I wouldn’t rather be anywhere other than where I am at that moment, peaceful, content and happy.

Q: What is your greatest passion in life?
Other than my husband Michael, I’d say learning is my greatest passion. There are so many things to learn about, and the more I learn, the more I discover things to explore. I am also very dedicated to my genealogical research, learning about my ancestors and their lives is fascinating, but it also helps me feel connected to a much larger universe.

Q: How do you feel about being part of a community project that promotes joy?
I love Palm Springs, and it is no surprise to me that a community such as ours would embrace a project like this, so I feel extremely fortunate, and proud to be part of this community, where joy can be celebrated.

Q: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?
Well, besides winning a gazillion dollars in the lottery, I think I’d like to travel back in time and meet some of my ancestors (just for a visit, I wouldn’t want to stay) and experience the kind of lives they lived.

Q: What are you working on or creating?
I love oil painting, landscapes are my favorite. I enjoy pretty much anything creative, one of my goals is to produce a photo history book of my family.

Q: Mini bio or something special you want to share.
I am a graphic designer in Palm Springs with a diverse range of clients, an animal advocate and past president of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter, hotelier, traveler, and fiercely proud of my Scottish heritage (if you have to ask what’s underneath, you don’t need to know), but most of all, I am just ME.

Thank you for introducing me to this beautiful location and for coming out to playfully jump for joy with me!


Thank you to the Palm Springs Cultural Center inviting me to be your first Artist in residence and bringing the Jump for Joy Photo Project to the Coachella Valley.

If you live in the Coachella Valley and would like more info on the project, or would like to take part, email us: jumpforjoy@psculturalcenter.org


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Instagram: @jumpforjoyphotoproject
Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto
Facebook: /JumpForJoyPhotoProject

Please... share the joy :)