Love jumps for the win! Jumping joy with Hector and Jessica at Wong Farms

Hector and Jessica photographed by Eyoalha Baker for Jump for Joy Photo Project and Palm Springs Cultural Center Artist Residency

I met Hector and Jessica on their lunch break at Wong Farms where they work to harvest tomatoes and mangoes. I instantly loved their genuine and warm energy and even though we had a language barrier, jumping for joy is easily understood and exchanged through body language. Hector had done a couple of jumps already then his wife Jessica joined in for this one… which turned out to be my favorite! This entire day on the farm was such a pleasure, and meeting the people who work hard to help provide us with food is an honour.

Gracias Hector and Jessica for sharing your gorgeous selves and jumping for joy with us!


Thank you to the Palm Springs Cultural Center inviting me to be your first Artist in residence and bringing the Jump for Joy Photo Project to the Coachella Valley.

If you live in the Coachella Valley and would like more info on the project, or would like to take part, email us:


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Instagram: @jumpforjoyphotoproject
Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto
Facebook: /JumpForJoyPhotoProject

Please... share the joy :)