Impromptu jump of joy with Marcus Crawford in Palm Springs

Marcus Crawford photographed by Eyoalha Baker for Jump for Joy Photo Project and Palm Springs Cultural Center Artist Residency

We met Marcus when he was on his way to get a free lunch served at a meal program for homeless and people who can’t afford a healthy meal. He was super friendly and really loved the idea of sharing joy with the world. He was a little hesitant about jumping at first as he didn’t think he could jump high enough, and I clarified that the project isn’t about how high you can jump, it’s about the energy used to lift ourselves up and sharing the powerful energy of joy. Clearly he can jump and his joy can be felt in his photo! 🙂

If you’d like to help out people in Palm Springs who need a hand up, please make a Donation to the Well in the Desert.

Thank you for taking a few moments to share joy with us Marcus!


Thank you to the Palm Springs Cultural Center inviting me to be your first Artist in residence and bringing the Jump for Joy Photo Project to the Coachella Valley.


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Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto
Facebook: /JumpForJoyPhotoProject

Please... share the joy :)