A replenishing jump of joy with Suzy Carroll

Suzy Carroll photographed by Eyoalha Baker for Jump for Joy Photo Project

I had the pleasure of meeting Suzy at her beautiful home in Jefferson County, Washington. I’ve been in the area for a few weeks and this was the first jump photo session I’ve set up. Most of my energy has gone into farming organic vegetables at Dharma Ridge Farm, which has been a lot of fun but it’s also very physical work so I haven’t had a lot of energy left over to do jumping photos, or photos in general really.

So when I arrived at Suzy’s place, I was feeling pretty low energy and not really in the mood to do the photos. My wonderful boyfriend Nick dropped me off at Suzy’s place none the less, and I’m so happy he did.

Suzy was warm, inviting, and open. We connected immediately and chatted about life, her research about the five stages of busy that women progress through and the three key factors that influence a woman’s ability to prioritize ‘self’ and that lead to ‘over-ing’ habits over a cup of delicious coffee.

When we went outside to play and do the jumping photos, my energy shifted immediately. We had so much fun doing the photos and I left feeling elated and reminded about why I love this project so much.

Get to know a little about what brings Suzy joy:

Q: How was your experience doing the jumping photos?
Curious for sure and apprehensive as I don’t like having my photo taken. But that quickly turned into pure fun! After jumping I felt happy, enlivened and energetic!

Q: How do you describe the feeling of joy?
When I’m experiencing joy I feel light-hearted, open-hearted and connected to all that is around me. It’s the connected feeling of joy that has led my life down a path I did not plan for, but I am so grateful for.

Q: What is your greatest passion in life?
In 2015 before embarking on a year-long sabbatical, My Year of No, I wrote this sentence in a manifesto I created for the year ahead – “my passion is to take care of my own well-being so I have more to give to the world and to not shrink from the world, but to step up and embrace every living, breathing, pulsating, juicy ounce of what being human is.” This is my passion because I know when I live from this space, I’m bringing my best self forward with healthy and uplifting energy into all that I do!

Q: How do you cultivate joy in your life?
I have let go of everything that clutters my life – both externally and internally, intentionally creating space that allows for quiet time, random conversations and creative endeavors that are in alignment with what matters most to me.

Q: In what way are you trying to make the world a better place?
A: I help women, who want to make an impact on the world, do what I did – clear out what is blocking the flow of ease; allowing for ideas, projects, careers and relationships to unfold and to go higher, without pushing and falling into overwhelm and depletion.

Q: What are you working on or creating?
I’m in the midst of launching the second phase of my business which is guiding and mentoring women who want to make an impact on the world in the art of Sacred Selfishness™: The practice of prioritizing yourself first, giving to yourself first, so that you have more to give to the world but not from a place of resentment and depletion, but from a place of health and happiness.

Q: Mini bio or something special you want to share.
I’m in awe of all the amazing and different ways that women are finding their voices and making a positive impact, but my heart aches at the escalating number of women who are running on fumes and leading at the cost of their own well-being. Every person I teach, every course I lead is inspired by my belief that there is no stopping a woman who is devoted to her own well-being and is powered by a well-nourished soul.

Connect with Suzy:
Instagram: @suzycarroll
FB page: /SuzyCarroll.Inc
LinkedIn: /suzycarroll

Thank you for sharing your beautiful joy Suzy!


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