Let the jump for joy Palm Springs mural making begin!

Eyoalha Baker selfie Jump for Jump for Joy Photo Project and Palm Springs Cultural center Artist Residency

Time for an update!

I’ve had an incredible time zooming around the Coachella Valley and taking photos of people jumping for joy over the past couple of months as part of my Artist Residency with the Palm Springs Cultural Center. The photo section of the project is now complete. It’s been a pleasure to share the photos and appreciate everyone who jumped around and shared joy with me.

I am now onto the next phase of the project… the mural making!

We’ve selected the photos for the mural and are off to the printers to have the posters printed. I am beyond excited to begin pasting up the posters on the back of the Palm Springs Cultural Center, hopefully by this weekend! So stop by and say hello if you are in the neighbourhood.

We will also be announcing a presentation I will be doing about the project and our mural opening event party very soon.

I will continue to post jumping photos of inspiring people and mural making updates along the way. Lots of things to jump for joy about, so stay tuned for updates.

Have a wonderful day!



Thank you to the Palm Springs Cultural Center inviting me to be your first Artist in residence and bringing the Jump for Joy Photo Project to the Coachella Valley. If you have questions about the project, email: jumpforjoy@psculturalcenter.org.


Follow Jump for Joy on:
Instagram: @jumpforjoyphotoproject
Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto
Facebook: /JumpForJoyPhotoProject

Please... share the joy :)