Group jump! Playing and jumping for joy with Phoenix, Joseph, Virgel in downtown Palm Springs

Phoenix, Joe, and Vincent Photographed by Eyoalha Baker for Jump for Joy Photo Project and Palm Springs Cultural Center Artist Residency

We met Phoenix, Joseph, and Virgel spontaneously in downtown Palm Springs. I saw them cross the street as we were driving past. They had a very playful, adventurous and light energy about them so I, pulled over and asked Thomas to jump out of the car and ask if they would like to share some jumping joy with us. They happily obliged.

Straight away, we were like a big group of kids running around finding locations, jumping, flipping, dancing, playing and jumping for joy. This was the first photo I got of them and I love it! In the brief time I got to spend with them I feel like this photo captures each of their personalities.

Thank you for sharing your joy with us Phoenix, Joseph, and Virgel!


Thank you to the Palm Springs Cultural Center inviting me to be your first Artist in residence and bringing the Jump for Joy Photo Project to the Coachella Valley.

If you live in the Coachella Valley and would like more info on the project, or would like to take part, email us:


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Instagram: @jumpforjoyphotoproject
Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto
Facebook: /JumpForJoyPhotoProject

Please... share the joy :)