1. Hi Eyoalha,
    I was very inspired by you and your project as I listened to you speak at the Living with Purpose event at UBC. I couldn’t stop imagining how much fun it would have been to get everyone in that room to jump at the same time!!
    Seeing your project made me reflect on all the “Jump” photos I’ve take or been a part of all these years and it always brings a smile to my face.
    Keep up the great work!!


  2. Thank you for the follow…otherwise I might never have seen your amazing project. I’ve never been much of a jumper myself, but have been working on losing a ton of weight (well, not literally a ton, but over 40 pounds) and am working on jumping for joy! I can’t donate financially right now because life kind of sucks in that area at the moment, but have made a note to help when I can.
    Peace…and of course, joy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi there, thank you so much for popping onto my blog and following. Had a quick gander at your blog and WOW so interesting and lively. Look forward to seeing more jumping for joy. Love peace & happiness

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello,
      I just saw you in the news. I love your project. I actually started taking pictures of myself once I turned 50 jumping in the air. Why? I am an incest survivor and suicide was a constant on my mind. But, I’m still here and still jumping for joy!!
      Thank you and
      Good luck!!


  4. Oh wow! I’m so pleased that you decided to follow my blog (thank you), because if you hadn’t have then I may never have discovered you! 🙂 And that would have been my loss. Your concept is so unique and infectious! I absolutely love it! As an eternal optimist I believe that JOY is the invaluable ingredient to fuel our lives through the ups,, downs and everything in between that life throws at us…(that and hope). I look forward to continually being inspired by your vision. 🙂


  5. This is a really interesting website
    you’re traveling the world and being a photographer
    but not an ordinary photographer you take pictures of jumping and you also put your pictures on a blog.
    that is very unique

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the idea of the project. It’s not as easy as people think to be able to have the same theme for a photography project yet have the skills to obtain unique and distinguishable pictures every time.

    Hope you keep up with your project. It is definitely promising and the fruitfulness of it shows. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I received a Sunshine award & in passing it on, have just nominated your blog. I hope you accept but if you don’t like awards or just don’t have time for them don’t worry, I understand 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hopefully you can see this AWESOME jumping for joy photograph:

    If not, like the SMOKEY BEAR facebook page and then hit the link above. I don’t know how else to send you this photograph!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m not sure how you found my blog but THANK YOU for following. WHAT A MARVELLOUS project you’ve got going. I’m excited to see what new movements can emerge from things like these. I wish you well in your endeavours. I’m sure I can learn a thing or two from you!! LET’S BE FRIENDS. *jumps* 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for following me, Just discovered your blog and wow all those photos just makes me smile. A good way to start my morning.

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  11. thanks for following me bundle of jumpin joy!…you keep spreading joy…and i will keep telling people about this so that their is joy in abundance!

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  12. First, thank you for the follow. It is much appreciated!
    And secondly, your project is truly an inspiration. You capture the simplicity of life in your art and help remind us of the little things that truly can bring happiness to our lives. Thank you so much and continue doing what you are. You are making a difference TODAY.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Dear J for J,

    Every Wednesday evening I attend an adult ballet class. Ages in the class range from 26 to 60s. There is a girl in my class, Sidni, who is in her 30s – young 30s and she Loves. To. Jump. This girl is the only one in our class is able to reach lift-off and stay mid-air. I wished you lived close by because I’d love for you to catch her jumping during class. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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